They leer.
2015-10-21 21:16:51 /
vardag /
Strangers make me nervous. Need a bottle stuck between my lips to lure me to move all night. Who said you can't live between sober and hell. Now, who wanna fuck tonight; tell me what your name is?
2015-10-21 19:29:59 /
vardag /

I know I did wrong, that was stupid of me. But for a guardian to hurt a child, through veils of darkness and words of the forbidden language, is too much. It caused carmine lines on an already bruised canvas, and pain that screamed for air in the form of tears. I did wrong, but I did not deserve your loath.
Cause being your friend was killing me softly
Who will love you.
2015-10-13 09:27:25 /
vardag /
I can tell that they are percieved as pretty, but I can't feel it. Numbness has overcome my being, and it is taking its toll. Too exhausted to make a living, I wonder if I'm even living at all.
Been about you, since I met you.
Borde inte vara så nöjd.
2015-10-10 13:01:43 /
vardag /
Så nere att det känns som att jag flyter bland molnen. Det är över, och jag kan inte hantera det; vad har vi gjort? Det är allt jag tänker på, varje dag. De frågar, hur är han? Han är ingenting värt att ens titta på. Ändå gör jag det. Drömmar som hemsöker mig, tankar som dränker mig. Äntligen fann jag det jag letat efter. Det var så naturligt att jag inte ens märkte när jag gjorde det. Men nu är jag ett steg mot friheten. Jag är avdomnad.
My "get-your-shit-together" song.
There's no relief.
2015-10-09 00:41:16 /
vardag /
The only time that I can turn it off is when I'm occupied with conversation and can put on a facade. Otherwise, the windows to my soul are leaking; and I am all alone.
2015-10-08 10:41:48 /
vardag /
1. People will promise to never leave you. They will. It’s okay to be sad when they do.
2. It is always okay to cry. Always. Find a bathroom, bury your face in your pillow, and let it out. Cry in the shower. Cry in the car. Cry when you need to.
3. Boys will flirt with you for a while and then ignore you. Then, they will flirt with you some more. It will be confusing. You have every right to stop putting up with it.
4. Pay attention to what people say when they’re angry. When you make up and they tell you they didn’t mean any of it, know that they did. Also know that they wish they didn’t. Forgive them.
5. Never pretend to be someone you’re not. If you don’t like tea and classic novels, don’t act like you do to impress people. If you don’t want to wear leather jackets and combat boots, don’t wear them to please someone else.
6. People will be mean to you; they will spread lies, call you names, and talk about you behind your back. Eventually you will realize that it is petty and stupid and not worth your time. You’ll be right. Move on with your life.
7. Your friends will not always be there for you. When you really need to talk, they will sometimes not want to hear it. That’s okay. Take a deep breath and remember all the times you felt the same way. Exhale.
8. You will wait and wait and wait for your first kiss and your first date and your first relationship. The anticipation will kill you. You will keep trying to find the right person in everyone you meet. Relax. There’s no rush. The best things happen unplanned.
9. Enjoy being young. Love that everything is spontaneous. As you get older, things become more and more scheduled out. Embrace the fact that you aren’t there yet.
10. Tell people how you feel. It will be terrifying in some cases and gratifying in others. It will create relationships and ruin them. But speak your mind, even if your voice shakes, because your thoughts may never otherwise be heard.
11. Sleep. If you go to bed late, sleep in. If you’re still tired when you wake up, go back to bed. If you can’t stay awake during the day, take a nap. Sleeping is a foolproof way of getting rid of your problems for a little while. Utilize it.
12. Talk to people. Talk to your sister about the guy she likes. Talk to your mom about her childhood. Talk to your dad about his favorite books. Talk to your grandparents about their families. Talk to your friends, talk to your pets, talk to the cute waitress at the restaurant. Learn things from them. Be inspired.
13. Always bring a sweater. Even if you think it won’t be cold.
14. Try new things. Eat a new food, try a new kind of juice, switch up the way you dress. You never know what you might end up loving. Life can get boring. Mix it up a bit.
15. Take care of yourself. Wash your hair with that good smelling soap you love. Eat fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water. Go for long walks in pretty parks.
16. School is important. Try your hardest. If you don’t get something, ask for help. Do your homework. Show your teachers that you’re willing to work hard, and when it comes time to apply to colleges, you’ll be glad you did.
17. There will always be someone prettier, smarter, funnier, or more popular than you. The beauty of it is that it isn’t a competition.”
Sustained love.
2015-10-08 08:29:40 /
vardag /

He told me he had stopped. But I got him. Now my eyes are red, and pain is increasing again; although it never really stopped stabbing me in my chest.

I'm having the same thoughts I had as when she disappeared from my sight.
Fallin' again, I need a pick-me-up I've been callin' you "friend," I might need to give it up
2015-10-04 21:59:51 /
vardag /
I'm sick and I'm tired too
I can admit, I am not fireproof
I feel it burning me
I feel it burning you
I hope I don't murder me
I hope I don't burden you
If I do, I do
If I meet you in the middle maybe we could agree
You make me feel little how you're looking at me
And you can throw me shade, all it does is just cool me off
I can admit, I am not fireproof
I feel it burning me
I feel it burning you
I hope I don't murder me
I hope I don't burden you
If I do, I do
If I meet you in the middle maybe we could agree
You make me feel little how you're looking at me
And you can throw me shade, all it does is just cool me off